Unified Spirit [Autumn 2022]
This evening with Raman you will learn more about your Galactic Community. Gradually disclosure is unfolding and we will increasingly need to understand out place in the whole of our Galaxy and Universe as a whole. Our progression into Light Consciousness is a vital part of this. Once we are ready more revelations will unfold, visitations will occur and we will discover our true nature and place with others in the Light. Raman will continue his recent discussions by supporting your preparations for connection and contact with Universal Beings. This will ultimately lead us towards a time of being a conscious part of the Unified Spirit. This will be a beautiful and vital evening with Raman and the spiritual Galactic Guests that will accompany him tonight.2h0m
Unified Spirit Review
By Vic
Ramans Unified Spirit was a much-anticipated event and it definitely delivered! Raman was here on behalf of those who had gathered to be with us, to transmit to us an energy of light, and to assure us that we are becoming one, within this galaxy. They are seeking to awaken us, not just to light, but to the consciousness we are moving to join. We are being called to understand, and these messages are beginning to enter into our consciousness/dream state, to awaken a memory that we know who we are, what we are part of, why we came here and to what end.
They seek to invite us to consider the steps we may take to connect and to realise how we are moving personally and together into a greater consciousness - ultimately a Unified Spirit. Inclusive of all. We are being given an opportunity to advance human consciousness. This is a concerted effort to enlist our participation, to encourage us to step forward, to know what we are part of and how. This invitation from our neighbours is an opportunity to take our place and to understand we are part of all. All love. All one. We are the bridge-makers, a living foundation; a light that others can grow and develop from and carry forward.
So if you have been stimulated about what is important in life, what is this awakening about, then this recording will help you to realise your place in it all. If we are willing to follow the message and energy that comes, we will feel our life moving and a real sense of purpose emerging in our life. Understand that if we seek contact, we are seeking connection with intelligence that is wise, full of light, and with a very loving desire to assist with the next step. It is time to take our place in light. The light is here. It is growing stronger and brighter. Never lose hope. Because peace exists here among us.
Love Vic x
Unified Spirit MP3
For over 2 millennia this elightened Master has continued to find ways to offer invaluable insights and guidance into the human experience. The magnectic presence, power and compassion that one experiences in the channelled presence of Raman Pascha is truly ineffable and must be experienced. A profound shift will occur in your sense of what is possible. You’ll awaken to the power of the divine more clearly in your life. Come and experience Raman’s loving wisdom and attention on your life.
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