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Ancestral Guidance MP3

Ancestral Guidance [Winter 2021]

You are warmly welcome to join Raman for a fascinating experience of connecting with your ancestors and the guidance they will have for you now in our world. This evening Raman will help you to feel those in Spirit that love you and want to help you draw from the lessons learned from the past experiences of your forebears; as well as awareness of those things that are still in healing, even in your own life.
You have thousands of Souls connected to you in recent times. You can receive their love and support and see how your life shifts and changes for the better with their support.





Ancestral Guidance Review:
Reviewed by Vic Steffens
"Raman's message on Ancestral Guidance was a beautiful evening, which was truly supportive in so many ways. At this very stimulating time for us, where it is hard to not look at what is being placed in front of us, Raman encouraged us to feel and remember what stands behind us. We are part of a long line of ancestors and they seek to guide us forward. They are a part of us and we are a part of them. Spiritually, we are a part of all who have walked before us. They want to guide us. They want us to give love, to cherish life, to seek balance and to fulfil our goals and dreams. Understand that when stand up within ourselves, we have a whole host of souls cheering us on, thanking us, encouraging us further and showing light ahead.
Although we have our own consciousness, we will also be drawing upon the collective energy and memory imprints of the family generations. There are so many behind us who know how important and valuable our life is and therefore, how valuable and important we are to them. Every part of life repeats not exactly in the same pattern, but it has an opportunity to expand, to become something beautiful. When we make a conscious choice to come back to love again and again, we truly heal not only ourselves, but everyone in spirit we are part of.
The absolute progression of life, growth, change, evolution is what we are part of. If we can let ourselves feel this, we will start to realise how meaningful our own life, healing and contribution really is. It is important to recognise the change that our growth is inviting of us. To feel that we are taking a very conscious step forward upon which the generations that follow will be walking and building a life upon. So that in our hearts, as our values shift, we are contributing to the souls ahead and ultimately, humanity as a whole."


Ancestral Guidance MP3

  • For over 2 millennia this elightened Master has continued to find ways to offer invaluable insights and guidance into the human experience. The magnectic presence, power and compassion that one experiences in the channelled presence of Raman Pascha is truly ineffable and must be experienced. A profound shift will occur in your sense of what is possible. You’ll awaken to the power of the divine more clearly in your life. Come and experience Raman’s loving wisdom and attention on your life.


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