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Ask Raman a Question

Dear friends,

This facility offers you the opportunity to ask Raman a personal question that may support your personal and spiritual growth.

These questions can be of a personal or general nature, but Raman will always answer your questions aligned with your overall well-being and growth.

You may ask Raman about matters of health, relationships, life direction, purpose, career, business development, spiritual support, dreams, intuition, past lives, soul growth. Please keep your question to a short paragraph, the clearer you are in your question, the clearer you will receive Raman’s loving support and answer.

You may not ask Raman about matters that are fortunetelling, predicting, influencing others, finding lost articles or the lotto numbers.
(Believe me all these have been asked at sometime). Raman is a Teacher, therefore he will always be empowering you to listen to yourself and understand what is happening in your life and he will guide you towards this in his answer to you.

Raman is an extraordinarily loving Spiritual Master who holds your heart and your journey with the deepest love, respect and care.
In asking him a question you can be assured you will receive an answer of profound guidance and support, along with this his divine loving presence and energy. His written word is something you can turn to for guidance over and over again.

Please enjoy making use of this service, it is a pleasure to provide Raman’s loving guidance in this way for you.


Cost per single question is $60

Ask Raman a Question

  • For over 2 millennia this elightened Master has continued to find ways to offer invaluable insights and guidance into the human experience. The magnectic presence, power and compassion that one experiences in the channelled presence of Raman Pascha is truly ineffable and must be experienced. A profound shift will occur in your sense of what is possible. You’ll awaken to the power of the divine more clearly in your life. Come and experience Raman’s loving wisdom and attention on your life.

    • Once we have received your question you will be sent an email regarding your payment.

    • This is not an instantaneous service, you will receive your answer within 5-10 working days depending on Yasmeen’s schedule and current demands. Please be aware your question may be joining a queue. We will inform you if your question can not be answered within this time.

    • Cost per single question is $60

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