Help for the Helpers [Winter 2017]
Do you feel called to support this world? Do you feel your abilities to help people through this transitional time of change? Are you currently in service of Spirit and this awakening? Raman will give his support and advise on connecting in with the Spirit world to access energy and support for your work and how to receive what you need to keep a balance in yourself. This evening will assist you to feel the purpose of your work in this world and the worlds in between. Raman will personally guide you to understand the vital energy needed for this changing period in Human history. A very special evening in Divine company.
Help for the Helpers Review:Reviewed by Vic Steffens"Raman's Help for Helpers was a very fulfilling reminder of the connection we all have; to each other, to the Earth and everything on it, and to the infinite love and energy that exists within our hearts. As more and more of us are waking up to this connection, we are also waking up to the need in this world. This can be overwhelming and may feel like a never ending task. If we give from a tired or weary place, then we may find find ourselves in very great need, or find it difficult to respond. Raman reminded us again and again of the unlimited source of energy inside of us all that is a place for us to fill up, to recover balance, and to feel support in turn. He likened it to the breath; the exhalation of giving is followed by the inhalation of filling up. This space does not run out. When we give from this space, our love, care and openness will come effortlessly.For those of us who are feeling the pull to work in this world, Raman made the task so simple and the energy to do so, easily accessible. We are here to help one another. To express the care of our heart and soul. And when we connect to and fill up from the unlimitedness inside our hearts, it is the most beautiful gift."
Help for the Helpers MP3
For over 2 millennia this elightened Master has continued to find ways to offer invaluable insights and guidance into the human experience. The magnectic presence, power and compassion that one experiences in the channelled presence of Raman Pascha is truly ineffable and must be experienced. A profound shift will occur in your sense of what is possible. You’ll awaken to the power of the divine more clearly in your life. Come and experience Raman’s loving wisdom and attention on your life.
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